Which goals and target groups are to be achieved with the project?

From Forum Freie Lastenräder
This page is a translated version of the page Welche Ziele und Zielgruppen sollen mit dem Projekt erreicht werden? and the translation is 100% complete.

Before the start of the project, it is helpful to become clear about the aspirations and goals as well as target groups. Many other decisions in the project are influenced by this, e. g. the selection of the cargobike, the selection and number of stations or the communication channels.

What do you want to achieve with your project?

We have, for example, sought to achieve the following very practical objectives:

  • to make all possible uses of cargobikes experienceable
  • to offer prospective buyers of cargo bikes the opportunity to make different cargo bikes available to try before purchasing them
  • People who only need cargobikes once in a while to provide them and thus avoid unnecessary car journeys

In the field of transport and environmental policy, for example:

  • Initiate or strengthen the presence of cargo bikes in the cityscape
  • It works without a car! make the possibilities of using cargobikes visible
  • The cycle path is too narrow, imagine Kasimir driving here! Establish the cargo bike as a brand and model for transport policy work.

Or this socio-political goal:

  • Enable participation, e. g. for people without a driving licence or financial means

Maybe not as a project goal, but as a nice side effect the team of Hannah from Hannover has connected people in the city who are interested in bicycles and thus initiated the birth of a new local cycling scene.

Who do you want to reach with your project?

We wanted to and have e. g. to the following target groups:

  • families
  • initiatives
  • people without financial means
  • People without a driving licence Students
  • Refugees


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