Sharing initiatives digital tools meet up
From Forum Freie Lastenräder
Many sharing initiatives have similar needs for digital tools: flexible open-source booking and management solutions. And these solution should "talk" a common language to enable a network of sharing initiatives. We will continue our discussion from earlier this year about how to cooperate in (software) development of the individual platforms and a common API. This meeting will take place immediately after the Forum Freie Lastenräder 2018, the annual conference of commons cargo bike sharing initiatives.
Please join us if
- You run or planning to run a non-profit sharing initiative (e.g. for bikes, everyday items, … ).
- You are a developer interested in joining open-source projects that promote and enable sharing.
Contact: florian @ wielebenwir . de
Hidden Institute Weigandufer 28, Hinterhaus 12059 Berlin
First meeting results
- First draft of a Commons API
- In german: writeup of the meeting at