Was ist ein Freies Lastenrad?/en: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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(Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „===A Commons Cargobike comes from the grassroot=== Most of the free CSPs have been set up by local actors (indi…“)
Zeile 17: Zeile 17:
The lending process is organised by most operators in cooperation with [[Was sind geeignete Stationen?|stations]]. These are typically shops, neighbourhood centres, cafés or offices with fixed loan periods, which personally hand over the cargobike to the users. In order to spread the idea and ensure that the bikes are present in as many quarters as possible and that as many environments as possible are available, the cargobikes change stations regularly.
The lending process is organised by most operators in cooperation with [[Was sind geeignete Stationen?|stations]]. These are typically shops, neighbourhood centres, cafés or offices with fixed loan periods, which personally hand over the cargobike to the users. In order to spread the idea and ensure that the bikes are present in as many quarters as possible and that as many environments as possible are available, the cargobikes change stations regularly.

=== Ein Freies Lastenrad kommt aus der Mitte der Gesellschaft ===
===A Commons Cargobike comes from the grassroot===
Ein Großteil der Freien Lastenrad-Initiativen wurden von [[Wer können Kooperationspartner*innen sein?|lokalen Akteur*innen]] (Einzelpersonen, Organisationen, Bündnissen, Unternehmen) ins Leben gerufen und werden auch von diesen betrieben. Dabei haben viele Initiativen die Anschaffung der Lastenräder mittels [[Wie kann man Geld sammeln / Förderer ansprechen?|Stiftungen und Crowdfunding]] finanziert. Einige Freie Lastenräder werden hingegen ganz oder teilweise von Gemeinde- und Stadtverwaltungen betrieben.
Most of the free CSPs have been set up by [[Wer können Kooperationspartner*innen sein?|local actors]] (individuals, organisations, alliances, companies) and are also run by them. Many initiatives have financed the purchase of the cargobikes by means of [[Wie kann man Geld sammeln / Förderer ansprechen?|foundations and crowdfunding]]. Some of the fre CSPs, on the other hand, are operated wholly or partly by municipalities and town councils.

=== Ein Freies Lastenrad ist Teil der Verkehrswende ===
=== Ein Freies Lastenrad ist Teil der Verkehrswende ===

Version vom 19. Mai 2020, 09:43 Uhr

Free of charge, grassroots, shared, accessible to all, sustainable part of the transport transition: these are the Commons Cargobikes. Thanks to the ingenious rental principle, a strong network, this knowledge platform and open source booking software, the concept has been spreading throughout Europe since 2013.

A cargobike is a common property and can be used free of charge

Commons Cargobieks are based on the idea of public goods or commons (Mertz, 2015). Therefore, users do not have to pay any rental fees, but they are invited to contribute to the project, e.g. in the form of voluntary commitments or a donation to repair and maintain the rental system. Commons Cargobikes prove that cargobikes are not only a practical alternative to cars, but can also promote networking within the city districts as a public asset.

A Commons Cargobike is available for everyone

A Commons Cargobike does not require formal membership in an organization. This makes it available to all interested parties and does not exclude anyone.

A Commons Cargobike is simple

The public communication of Commons Cargobikes is clear and easy to understand. They use modern communication and information technologies for distribution. The sophisticated booking and rental systems are designed to be user-friendly.

Stations as multiplicators* in the quarter

The lending process is organised by most operators in cooperation with stations. These are typically shops, neighbourhood centres, cafés or offices with fixed loan periods, which personally hand over the cargobike to the users. In order to spread the idea and ensure that the bikes are present in as many quarters as possible and that as many environments as possible are available, the cargobikes change stations regularly.

A Commons Cargobike comes from the grassroot

Most of the free CSPs have been set up by local actors (individuals, organisations, alliances, companies) and are also run by them. Many initiatives have financed the purchase of the cargobikes by means of foundations and crowdfunding. Some of the fre CSPs, on the other hand, are operated wholly or partly by municipalities and town councils.

Ein Freies Lastenrad ist Teil der Verkehrswende

Initiator*innen und Betreiber*innen Freier Lastenräder möchten durch ihr Handeln ein lokales Umdenken in ihrer Stadt oder Region hin zu nachhaltiger Mobilität bewirken. Dabei soll das Freie Lastenrad als Multiplikator dienen und Dritte zur Nutzung oder Anschaffung von Lastenrädern z. B. als Gemeinschaftslastenrad ermutigen. Verstopfte Straßen, Lärm, Abgase – gerade in Großstädten werden Autos zunehmend zum Problem. Es müssen umweltfreundliche Alternativen her, die die „neue Lust am Teilen“ berücksichtigen.


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ADFC Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club e. V.

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