Fixed or changing stations?

From Forum Freie Lastenräder
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Fixed stations

The fact that the same location can be distributed cost-effectively on flyers or in advertising templates with a high circulation without any change is an advantage for fixed stations. This way, the location remains in the memory of the users and you don't have to keep informed about changes of the location. For users it is good to know that the cargobike is always located there (reliability). From the initiative's point of view, one station is less organisational effort.

Changing stations

Changing locations should be considered when it comes to testing as many different locations as possible and thus finding the best locations. This makes it easier to measure and compare the different frequencies. Then you can use the station as a multiplier - the cargobike as a special reason for the marketing/event. The stations should be chosen in such a way that the cargobike changes districts frequently, so that as many people as possible know that there is a cargobike and can use it.

Excursus: Stations in public space

Stations in public space have been successfully used in Freiburg for two years now. The rental is carried out without personal participation. It is sufficient to use good combination locks (contec U-locks, chains with disc locks) which cannot be destroyed by a bolt cutter. It is important that the users are always informed of a correct closure (at the frame and at a fixed object). When selecting public places, it is important to ensure that they are really public places. Often, however, some private space is hidden in supposedly freely accessible bicycle parking lots. The combinations of the locks must be communicated to the users in advance, e. g. by e-mail. It is also necessary to change them regularly. The combination with an automatic on-board computer solution, which opens an electronic lock only for users (used by TINK) who have just reserved, prevents the use without reservation despite knowledge of the combination of combination locks from previous bookings.


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