Address format template tags

Aus Forum Freie Lastenräder
Version vom 12. Januar 2021, 00:25 Uhr von Christian (Diskussion | Beiträge) (changed notice to new commonsbooking)
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Please find the new CommonsBooking and Documentation on

The following in formation is only valid for commons Booking Version 0.9. outdated and You can format the addresses by going to Settings->Templates and using the following tags:

    Address (Line 1) : {{ADDRESS_1}}
    Address (Line 2) : {{ADDRESS_2}}    
    Address (Line 3) : {{ADDRESS_3}}    
    City : {{CITY}}    
    Region : {{REGION}}    
    Zip Code : {{ZIP}}    
    Country : {{COUNTRY}}

Settings Example:

German address settings defaults:


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