Translations:Wie wählen wir das richtige Lastenrad?/13/en

Aus Forum Freie Lastenräder
Version vom 20. Mai 2020, 12:18 Uhr von Hannes (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „===Purchase price=== A cargo bike costs a low to medium four-digit amount in the specialized trade. Quality and equipment - in particular electric drive - have…“)
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Purchase price

A cargo bike costs a low to medium four-digit amount in the specialized trade. Quality and equipment - in particular electric drive - have their price. In some cities and federal states (Baden-Württemberg/Germany) there are rewards for buying cargobikes, from which also associations can profit. Some manufacturers* and dealers support free cargobike initiatives with special conditions - for idealistic reasons or out of marketing interest. The ADFC Bundesverband (Germany) is seeking special purchasing conditions for its subdivisions from selected cargo bike manufacturers.

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