Commons Cargobikes

Aus Forum Freie Lastenräder
Version vom 19. Mai 2020, 12:12 Uhr von Hannes (Diskussion | Beiträge) (Die Seite wurde neu angelegt: „== Press ==“)
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Forum freie Lastenräder 2015

We are 179 grass-roots initiatives providing 626 cargobikes to the community for free. Join us and let us improve mobility in the city — together!



  • Deutscher Lokaler Nachhaltigkeitspreis ZeitzeicheN 2017
  • Deutscher Mobilitätspreis 2018
  • Deutscher Fahrradpreis 2019

What is a „Commons Cargobike“?

  1. is provided to society based on voluntary donations.
  2. is a „common good“: to be shared with the community instead of individually owned.
  3. is advocating for a change in urban transportation, and stands for sustainable mobility.
  4. promotes neighborhood cooperation: Cafés, private citizens and social facilities are involved and act as pickup locations.
  5. enables people to try cargo bikes and is a driving force for the adoption of cargo bikes in the city.

More information: Was ist ein freies Lastenrad?/en

What´s the "Forum Freie Lastenräder" (Union of commons cargobike initiatives)

Forum Freie Lastenräder („Union of Commons Cargobike initiatives“) is the alliance of 179 local cargo bikesharing initiatives in Germany, Austria and Hungary. With 626 cargobikes and tens of thousands registered users, the „FFL“ is an important part of the bottom-up-mobility transition. We provide a yearly conference, an online knowledge base as well as a custom-built, open-source booking software.


  1. Start your own initiative! See the Manual
  2. Join a initiative in your city.
  3. Meet us at these Events
  4. Help us with the Translations
  5. Join the development of our booking software Commons Booking
  6. Help us with the Administration and Maintenance of this website.

Discuss and stay in the loop

  1. Use our bulletin board (currently: german only)
  2. Join our mailing list (currently: german only).
  3. Contact the creators and admins of this website.


  1. Kategorie: Pressematerial
  2. Artikel von Initiativen & Videos unter Presse & Medien
  3. Presseanfragen bitte an die Sprecher*innen Forum Freie Lastenräder


Our open-source Wordpress booking plugin "Commons Booking" is available at the Wordpress Plugin directory. We are currently working on a major new version (Commons Booking 2.0 development), as well as an API to connect CB installations.

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